Killing innocent people is plain wrong, no matter how we interpret the causes.
A person cannot say, 'My life is more precious than yours.' What really matters is respect for every life.
If we find the ethnic cleansing in Kosovo by Yugoslavia to be unacceptable, then it is only logical that we find Nato's bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade, equally unacceptable.
Think about those civilians who have died as a consequence of 'accidental' bombing by Nato.
How would readers feel if members of their family were among the dead? I wonder if they would just dismiss it by saying something like, 'It is a tragedy, but we must continue with the bombing.' What sort of message is Nato sending by acting without UN approval? Will other military alliances and juntas follow suit in the future? No one can have all the facts. And we should not jump on Nato for everything that happens.
However, excuses for civilian deaths, like 'faulty bombing', 'wrong intelligence' and 'old maps' are unacceptable.