More than 250 scholarship athletes, coaches, parents, teachers and national sports associa tions representatives spent an enjoyable evening at the inau gural orientation for the Hong Kong Sports Development Board's (SDB) Scholarship Athletes at the Sports Institute ear lier this month.
The audience enjoyed a lively drama which demonstrated the kinds of support available un der the Athletes Scholarship Programme.
Technical support from the Sports Science Department, and different types of financial assistance from the Sports Aid Foundation Fund and Hong Kong Athletes Fund are avail able. Additional support includ ing accommodation, career and education counselling is managed by the Athlete Affairs Department.
The Public Affairs and Mar keting Departments work to gether to raise the profile of in dividual sports and athletes and to attract more sponsors.
Currently, there are 208 ath letes from 13 focus sports re ceiving assistance under the programme.
'We hope that our compre hensive support provided to athletes will enable them to train in a worry-free environ ment for their pursuit of excellence,' said Professor Chan Kai-ming, chairman of the Hong Kong Sports Institute Management Committee (Elite Training).