A JUSTICE of the Peace told the High Court yesterday that he did not real-ise he was breaking the law when he accepted $150,000 in cash from Legislative Councillor Gilbert Leung Kam-ho.
Mr Wai Hon-leung, who was Leung's unofficial election agent in his bid to gain a seat in Legco, said if he had thought it was an offence he would never have accepted the money.
Under cross-examination by Mr Cheng Huan QC, the witness told Mr Justice Keith and a jury that he did not think Leung had committed an offence in giving him the money.
Testifying under immunity at the bribery trial of Leung, Mr Wai said he would still have given evidence even if he had not been granted immunity.
He admitted he was cautioned by Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) officers when he was first interviewed about the case but was later told he would not be prosecuted.
He denied that once he was assured he would not be prosecuted he was willing to implicate Leung. He made four statements to the ICAC.
Leung, 38, has pleaded not guilty to seven counts of offering money to two Regional Councillors and Mr Wai in return for procuring his election to Legco. He also faces a charge of incurring election expenses above the $50,000 limit.