Customs officers have made a record $3 million seizure of 60,000 high-quality fake watches and 18,000 watch parts at two industrial units in Kowloon Bay.
Officers arrested a 38-year-old woman and a 39-year-old man, both employees of a watch company.
'The fake watches were copied from more than 10 different brands,' divisional commander of Customs trade description investigations Chan Yiu-wah said.
'They were mainly for local consumption but some were bound for European countries.
'We believe the goods were made in China and imported into Hong Kong after being declared as garments and other products.
'The production cost was about $50 each but they could sell at five times that.' Some 123,000 counterfeit watches, including Thursday's record haul, have been seized so far this year, three times the amount Customs seized in the whole of last year.