
Fifty years ago

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LONDON (August 5): SIR Stafford Cripps plans to fly from London to Washington on September 3 in quest of a cure for Britain's dollar crisis.


The British Chancellor of the Exchequer is under treatment in Switzerland for a digestive ailment.

The Foreign Secretary, Mr Ernest Bevin, is expected to board a ship on August 27 to join Sir Stafford in Washington for dollar talks with American and Canadian leaders.

The travel dates were discussed by Government sources to-day. Groundwork for the Washington conference was laid in London last month during a visit of the American Treasury Secretary, Mr John Snyder.

The purpose of the conference will be not only to halt the drain which cut the Sterling bloc's gold and dollar reserve to US$1,642,000,000 at the end of June, but to find if possible an answer to Britain's economic ailments.


British Government financial experts declined to indicate the exact direction of the Cripps proposal for American assistance will take.
