As both a parent and a teacher, I read, with horror, the report on the front page of the South China Morning Post on September 14, about the possibility of a casino being built in Hong Kong.
I wonder how someone as respectable as Donald Tsang, our Financial Secretary, could have come up with the idea of turning Hong Kong into a gambling destination just to attract tourists and generate money for the SAR. It is a short-sighted plan that will not help Hong Kong and I fear that it will harm our next generation.
Though Hong Kong is not as well off as it was in previous years, turning it into a gambling destination does not offer a solution to our economic problems.
It would be far better to concentrate on building a theme park or 'film city'.
I would find it totally unacceptable for Hong Kong to be turned into a gambling centre with the construction of this casino.
We Hong Kong people, like most Chinese, who believe in the principles of Confucius, would not resort to improper means to gain a fortune, even if we were poor. I wish Donald Tsang and his think-thank would give careful thought to the long-term effects of such a casino in Hong Kong.