The Office of the Telecommunications Authority (Ofta) is expected to lower Internet access and international dialling access charges paid to Cable & Wireless HKT.
Legislative councillor for information technology Sin Chung-kai said having met director-general of telecommunications Anthony Wong Sik-kei at Ofta on Monday he expected the authority would soon cut the Internet access charge called PNets by between 10 and 20 per cent.
'The cut would likely be [less than] what I had hoped it to be,' Mr Sin said.
The Democratic Party member had called for a PNets reduction of up to 50 per cent.
PNets is a $1.98 hourly fee paid by all dial-up users of Internet service providers and mobile-phone users to C&W as rental of its phone network.
Mr Sin also expected Ofta to reduce the 16 cents per minute charge it collects on international phone calls then pays to C&W to compensate for that company's losses on its local phone service.