There is a 50-50 chance that your Christmas lunch is going to feature a turkey. You invariably hear people saying they don't know what to drink with the big beast: should you sip white or red? In my book, you drink anything you like.
Turkey is a schizophrenic meat: you can have your choice of dark leg or plump white breast. It stands to reason - if you want to follow accepted practice - to drink white. But don't listen to reason.
I like pinot noir with turkey. A soft pinot can accompany the sweet white meat and also stand up to the stronger cuts from the leg and what may be a robust stuffing.
So get a bottle of pinot noir and your Christmas should be merry. There are plenty to choose from and if you've left it late, supermarket shelves offer a decent selection. But if you want a reasonable pinot, you're going to have to pay for it.
One recent addition that I particularly favour is the 1996 Thistle Hill pinot noir from the under-rated Mudgee area of New South Wales. I apologise for the price: it's $210 direct from the importer (Kedington, fax: 2898 9183).
You can also find a few pinots at supermarkets, and about the best of the bunch is Tyrrell's. It has the typical light colour and mild flavour of the grape. Normally $177, it's on sale now for $128.