I refer to Chris Cummins' letter headlined 'Planned highway will destroy environment' (South China Morning Post, December 27, 1999).
I appreciate the concern raised by Mr Cummins on environmental protection and assure him that his opinion will be considered in our environmental impact assessment for Route 7.
The proposed section of Route 7 between Kennedy Town and Aberdeen is the last remaining section of the strategic route linking southern and northern Hong Kong Island.
When it is completed, it will provide a direct link to the Western Harbour Crossing and other trunk road systems leading to Central, West Kowloon and the New Territories. Moreover, it will alleviate traffic congestion problems at Pok Fu Lam Road, Victoria Road and the Aberdeen Tunnel.
On behalf of the Highways Department, I cannot comment on Mr Cummins' suggestion to use the MTR to Aberdeen and increased ferries to replace the proposed Route 7.
However, a strategic road link can serve not only passengers but also other commercial vehicles, which are essential to our daily lives.