The new 'worked back rail' on the troubled B Course at Happy Valley will have its raceday baptism at next Wednesday's meeting at the city track.
Racing officials, headed by the director of racing Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges, met trainers after trackwork yesterday to discuss the arrangements and other pertinent topics.
'I can say that it was a very constructive meeting and valuable views were exchanged. We looked at the tapes of the 1,000-metre trials last Saturday and, as a result of that and earlier discussions, we decided to go ahead with the new arrangement next Wednesday,' said Engelbrecht-Bresges.
The biggest question remains whether horses in behind on a track notorious for its bias to front-runners will be able to quicken in time to take advantage of the gaps.
The rail at the home bend will be in the C position and will taper back to the B position in the straight. This adds an extra 24.7 metres to the run home.
Last Saturday's two trials were held over the 1,000-metre course but races over longer distances will now be conducted.