In the Disney computer animation Toy Story 2, Woody (voice of Tom Hanks) is 'toynapped' by an obsessive toy collector.
Woody discovers that he is a highly valued toy from a 1950s television show called Woody's Roundup, and he meets the other prized toys from the show - Jessie the Cowgirl (Joan Cusack), Bullseye the Horse and Stinky Pete the Prospector (Kelsey Grammer).
Buzz Lightyear (Tim Allen) and the gang from Andy's room - Mr Potatohead (Don Rickles), Slinky Dog (Jim Varney), Rex (Wallace Shawn) and Hamm (John Ratzenberger) - want to rescue Woody before Andy returns.
Opening on Thursday on the Broadway, UA and Gala circuits.
In Tokyo Raiders, model Elli (Kelly Chen Wai-lam) waits a whole day at the registry office, but her fiance Takeng has van ished. She goes to Japan with Young (Ekin Cheng), the interior designer of Takeng's new apartment, to look for Takeng.
Opens tomorrow on the Gala and Broadway circuits.