Telecoms firms rally as SingTel says it will work with HKT
Telecommunications shares rallied strongly yesterday as signs of thawing relations between parties in the Cable & Wireless HKT takeover battle helped fuel optimism towards the sector.
Defeated bidder Singapore Telecommunications (SingTel) said it was still interested in working closely with HKT, despite losing to bidding rival Pacific Century CyberWorks.
At the same time, News Corp executive vice-president James Murdoch said in Beijing the Australian-based company was still 'very committed' to a joint venture between its Star TV unit and HKT.
News Corp had backed SingTel in the struggle to take over HKT, which CyberWorks won on Tuesday with a bid of up to HK$296.41 billion.
Meanwhile, the investment banks mandated by CyberWorks to raise financing for the bid said last night they would arrange and underwrite a US$12 billion loan which would meet the cash portion of the offer and provide working capital.
The loan, to be arranged by BOCI Capital, HSBC Investment Bank, Banque Nationale de Paris (Hong Kong) and Barclays Capital Asia, has a maturity of 364 days with the option to extend part of it for another two years.