The Sunday Morning Post (report headlined, 'Defiant Chen crushes KMT', March 19) quotes 'the SAR Government' as responding to the election result in Taiwan by saying, 'As Chinese people, we all look forward to reunification of the country. All of us should continue to strive towards achieving the objective of reunification.' On what basis, may one ask, does the SAR Government presume to speak for Hong Kong people in respect of matters manifestly beyond the SAR's remit? This statement is offensive not only because it equates race (Chinese) with residence, but also because it seeks to dictate what views Hong Kong people should hold on an issue which is properly a matter for individual political judgment.
The SAR Government would do well to learn to keep silent on issues which should not be its concern. It is clear from reports of the election campaign in Taiwan that the SAR Government is regarded there with derision and as little more than 'Beijing's poodle'. Remarks such as those quoted do little to dispel that view.
NAME AND ADDRESS SUPPLIED China characterised Chen Shui-bian's running in the presidential election in Taiwan as a provocative act. In fact, Mr Chen's running and his election are both among the most peaceful political actions a person can take.
In Taiwan, for the first time in history, power has shifted from one party to another in a part of China through a peaceful and open democratic election. Surely this is something which all Chinese people can be proud of and is not, as a bellicose China would have us believe, cause for war preparations. It is obvious that the preparations and threats themselves are the provocation and not the impressive and peaceful political process taking place in Taiwan. Is it or isn't it the case that Chinese people everywhere would like the opportunity to take part in such an election? ANDREW HOGUE Shawnee, Oklahoma, US