FOR as long as anyone can remember, Chinese orthodoxy has ruled masturbation an evil which drains the life-forces from one's body and makes it hard to concentrate on being a good communist.
But when the calls come in to government-run Beijing Radio, anchorman Su Jingping and his experts offer a different view. ''We can say it's a kind of treatment, and can even be helpful to matrimonial life,'' says Su.
This is the sort of heresy heard between 11 and 12 each night when one of China's newest, most daring, and most popular radio programmes, Life Hotline, goes live.
Started on March 1, the call-in programme has fast become an addiction for thousands in the Chinese capital. The show delves into numerous social issues - religion, the handicapped, raising children - but it appears that what people most want to talk about is sex.
Su says a full third of all broadcast time is spent on love, marriage, and sex.
The show's popularity is beyond all expectation, says Su. About 500,000 people in the Chinese capital, with a population of 10 million, tune in each evening. Often more than 1,000 are trying to get through at the same time. Those who fail write in, many of them crying out for help.