Can the relevant police commander explain to me why, during the week there is always a heavy police presence around the Mui Wo Pier to meet the ferry arriving and to stop cyclists from riding, where they shouldn't, having no lights and generally not abiding by the rules of the highway code? However, on public holidays, when there is an influx of tourists, many of whom rent bicycles and create no end of hazards to road safety for other road users, there is never any form of traffic control by the police.
It seems that on public holidays, cyclists are allowed to flout the rules of the highway, this during the time when the police have announced a drive to inform cyclists of safe road use.
Maybe, they just intend to promote these rules to the residents of Mui Wo only . . . the tourists do not seem to count.
Non-regular cyclists are the main cause of accidents in Mui Wo, and possibly throughout the territory.
Maybe the police should take more action against cyclists during public holidays instead of taking a rest.