The mainland's imminent entry to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) is boosting demand for prime offices in Guangzhou, according to the Construction Commission of the People's Government of Guangzhou Municipality.
The commission's vice-director Deng Hanying said Guangzhou should be well-prepared to compete with Hong Kong and other economic regions, including Shenzhen, after the mainland joined the WTO.
He said strong demand for prime offices had come from many foreign and local hi-techcompanies and that average rentals were expected to rise.
Pre-sale commercial area approved by the commission during the first five months of this year amounted to 1.41 million square metres, Mr Deng said.
Pearl River Hang Cheong Real Estate Consultants managing director Liu Sing-cheong said demand for prime offices in Guangzhou had risen in recent months.
Average rentals are HK$140 to HK$160 per sq metre at present.