A DOMESTIC helper claimed she was handed a fake $1,000 note by a bank teller yesterday, sparking hours of police questioning and a search of her home.
Furious Serehelatha Rupasinga, 41, said it was only found that the note was counterfeit when she tried to deposit it at the Bank of East Asia after being given the note at the Wing Hang Bank. She said the Bank of East Asia teller believed her, but said she could not reimburse Ms Rupasinga.
The Sri Lankan domestic helper, who has lived in Hong Kong for 19 years, then called police.
Ms Rupasinga was taken to Central police station for questioning and released without charge six hours later.
Last night, she told the Sunday Morning Post she was unhappy with her account at Wing Hang and wanted to switch to the Bank of East Asia.
She said she had gone to Wing Hang's branch in Queen's Road Central to withdraw her money and was handed $16,800 in notes by a teller.