It didn't have any of the hype of a heavyweight boxing title fight. Nobody wanted to teach the other a lesson and they were both rather embarrassed by it all when it came to a photo shoot.
In fact, women's world American pool champion Jennifer Chen and local snooker 'whiz-kid' Marco Fu Ka-chun couldn't have been more polite to each other as they promoted their 'Battle Of The Sexes' nine-ball American pool challenge, part of the Golien Mountain 'The Records' campaign which aims to promote physical fitness to the public.
Chen, 25, who comes from Taiwan but lives in Los Angeles, was complimentary to Fu, saying he was a 'real gentleman' in choosing nine-ball instead of snooker in the friendly exhibition scheduled for August 26 at the Billiard House in Whampoa, Hung Hom.
Fu said Chen was the master of the nine-ball game and that he didn't stand a chance against the reigning world women's champion. So much for the hype.
'He could have chosen his favourite sport but decided to choose nine-ball so I had a chance of beating him. We played once before some four or five years ago and I have to be honest with you, I can't remember who won then,' said Chen.
'Marco is a very good shot maker so I can't say for sure whether he's out of it,' she said.