Some time ago in your column you mentioned that someone had developed a program that could connect to the Internet through Cable & Wireless HKT's Netvigator service from a Linux machine. Could you show me how to get the program again?
Hong Kong
Despite the obvious popularity of Linux in Hong Kong, HKT, in its infinite wisdom, has not bothered to offer support for the operating system.
This has not been a problem for Netvigator dial-up customers, who can choose from a wide range of software to connect to the Internet via a standard modem, but it has caused major headaches for subscribers to HKT's Netvigator broadband Ultraline service.
In true open-platform style, Hong Kong Linux enthusiasts developed a handful of solutions, but these stopped working recently, when HKT upgraded its system to support upstream data transfers of 256Kbps, using PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet).