I too want to voice my disappointment along with Angela Lok (letter headlined, 'New public pool hours a flop', South China Morning Post, August 26) over the Leisure and Cultural Services Department's ridiculous decision to restrict swimming times for the public.
I had words with the department over this issue when it first decided to close pools during the lunch hour for 'cleaning' more than a year ago.
Do officials not realise that they are doing a disservice to Hong Kong? I believe the main reason for the closures is to force swimmers to pay twice or now even three times to swim the entire day.
The department, therefore, is taking advantage of Hong Kong citizens and those who enjoy swimming. Many of these people cannot afford to pay double entry prices.
You cannot clean a pool effectively after people have been swimming in it. The best and only logical time to clean a pool is first thing in the morning when all particles have settled calmly to the bottom. So, how can the noon and evening cleanings be effective?
Also, why are the pools under the department's management still so filthy? I challenge officials to take a swab sample from the floor in one of the dressing rooms and analyse it. I believe people would be shocked by what is found. Are these areas ever cleaned?