The United States is not the only domain having trouble with its vote count.
Yuppie chat site IceRed has discovered that some of its users have found a way to rig the site's online polls.
In recent weeks, some voters have managed to submit hundreds of votes with a single mouse click, and Webmasters Tim and Kenny are concerned.
'Wow, it's outta control!' Their news ticker announced last week. 'Javascript users, please refrain from showcasing your skills. We know you're good. Let's have a fair competition, after all . . . we're looking for the Shopaholic of Hong Kong, not the best programmers. Okay, we promise to hold a competition for the best Javascript programmers soon. Note that all illegal votes will be disqualified . . . dimpled chads and all.'
You think Hong Kong has a high penetration of mobile phones? Think again.
The real ruler in the cellular market is the chilly volcanic wastes of Iceland. According to Iceland's Morgunbladid newspaper, the country's 275,000 citizens own 210,000 mobile phones. That's pretty much everyone.
The newspaper was reporting how a mobile phone helped catch a killer recently. The man, who had murdered an associate, was attempting to dispose