Tony Yuen (letter, South China Morning Post, December 22) asks me to be more specific about what he calls my 'accusation' that the American definition of democracy amounts to a 'budding dictatorship'.
I have a very long list of examples, having carefully watched the worldwide adventures of the US's leaders over the past half century. Any accusation I make does not apply to the American people in general, whose press is not forthcoming on these matters. Their own democracy is financially limited to only two parties, both concerned with money rather than people and both shown in the recent presidential election to be so outdated in the electoral system as to be subject to manipulation.
To give all the specifics as requested by Mr Yuen would require a book (which I am already compiling), but to answer his request I suggest he does some reading about the methods by which the governments of the following countries were overthrown by subversives trained in the US Army's 'School of the Americas', alternatively known as the 'School of Assassins': Bolivia, Chile, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Peru, Honduras, et al and in other continents. These countries were later converted, usually by coup d'etats into dictatorships kowtowing to American corporations.
While I believe that most people calling themselves democrats in Hong Kong are genuinely so, I worry that they may be inadvertently continuing the American saga that has put nation after nation under its economic control, leaving the poor even poorer. I hope Mr Yuen will study these exploits.
Efforts to discredit our Chief Executive give the distinct odour of interference by the US where some local Hong Kong residents were politically educated against the SAR and China.