There have been many newspaper reports about the problem of prostitution in Shamshuipo.
The number of prostitutes has increased, because a lot of sex workers have moved from Mongkok and also because of a large influx of mainlanders. Some women who find they cannot earn a living when they move to the SAR from the mainland, turn to prostitution in order to feed their families. Most residents are concerned about this growing trend. As prostitution is illegal, many of the women have connections with triads and are often arrested by police. Such activities have an adverse effect on the neighbourhood.
Some Shamshuipo residents are so concerned about what is happening that they have taken to the streets to protest. It is clear that the Hong Kong Government is not doing enough to tackle this problem. It targets an area in order to clear out the sex workers, but they just move to another location.
Prostitution is also a great problem in many Western countries and some have responded by legalising it. For instance, the Dutch Government has set up a red-light district. In Germany prostitutes have their own charter and they are given regular health checks. The Government should look into the possibility of establishing a special district in Hong Kong.
It has to strike the right balance between having such a district and also having the appropriate laws in place.
Prostitutes are human beings and there should be no discrimination against them.