Consumer-electronics giant Sony plans to launch more products and services incorporating network technology in a bid to capture the booming broadband market.
'There will be a broadband era in which more and more data will be transmitted on broadband networks,' Raymond Tang, a section manager at the company's SAR operation, said at a press briefing yesterday.
Sony announced the SAR launch of its LCD (liquid crystal display) network projector, which will allow wireless communication with a host of portable devices such as personal computers.
The product uses broadband technology called IEEE 802.11b, which allows a transmission speed of 11 megabits per second.
'You can control the projector from anywhere within a local area network [LAN],' Mr Tang said.
Division managing director Toshihiko Ohnishi said Sony was planning the launch of three more products incorporating broadband technology in the coming year. Among them was a network monitor, which could be used for network home entertainment, scheduled to be launched in March.
Susumu Kitadai, division managing director of the SAR operation, said Sony was working on the launch of a series of broadband services in Hong Kong.