Only three of 15 scooter models available in Hong Kong meet quality standards laid down by the Consumer Council. The council survey was prompted by concern over an increasing number of scooter-related injuries. The council's records show at least 10 such cases were reported in the SAR between March and July last year alone.
'The test revealed that, with a few exceptions, most of the scooters are not designed and constructed to a high level of strength and durability,' council chairman Professor Andrew Chan Chi-fai said yesterday.
The long list of defects in 12 of the models tested included deformed locking devices and brake mechanisms, faulty front wheel forks which failed to keep the handlebars in place and cracked wheel hubs. The council tested for durability, strength and defects.
'Such defects could cause the rider to lose control, fall and possibly suffer injuries,' he said.
'Most injuries involved fractures, cuts and abrasions, or in more serious cases, head injuries that could result in brain damage.'
Only three models, priced between $888 and $1,430, received a rating of 'satisfactory'. The remaining models, many of them available for less than $300, were given the thumbs down on one to four aspects of the test.