Can the women of Hong Kong and China do more to promote world peace in this new century?
Any impartial student of history will have concluded that, up to now, human events have been largely determined by male priorities, often primitive urges of masculine psychology.
Slavery, militarism, colonialism and other evils typified by the Rape of Nanjing can be directly linked to male arrogance and pride.
One half of the human race, its women, were relegated to the sideline functions of sexual satisfaction and child-rearing, with the result that the past century was one of the most brutal and inhumane in all of human history.
Isn't it high time women took up their natural role of peace-makers and life-givers to counteract the male tendency to destroy and kill?
Now that many women are able to give more time to social concerns, it should be possible for a more feminine influence in decision-making and social priorities.