Aeon Credit Service said net profit rose a year on year 16.7 per cent to HK$210 million in the year to February 20, boosting its ambition to build the largest ATM network in Hong Kong in the next three years.
Turnover increased 2.8 per cent from a year earlier to HK$817.14 million.
Director Derek Lai attributed the improved earnings to stringent cost control and a sharp reduction in bad debts.
In the year, Aeon's operating expenses decreased to HK$273.1 million compared with HK$276.2 million a year earlier, cutting its cost to income ratio from 43 per cent to 42.2 per cent.
Provisions for bad and doubtful debts fell 15.2 per cent to HK$135.1 million.
Earnings per share were 50.15 HK cents.
A final dividend of eight HK cents was recommended.