Telecom workers in Guangzhou, where Pacific Century CyberWorks-HKT is considering relocating directory-inquiry staff, are paid $1,000 or less a month for equivalent jobs with the mainland's phone company.
The Hong Kong telecommunications giant announced this week it would switch jobs to Guangzhou if a trial scheme to be completed in August was a success.
Labour sources in Guangzhou said yesterday that employees working for the mainland call centre operated by China's telecommunication authority were paid between $700 and $1,000 a month, compared with Hong Kong workers who earn between $6,000 and $10,000.
PCCW-HKT unions fear the company will resort to mass redundancies if it goes ahead with the transfer to Guangzhou.
The company denies it has plans for redundancies and says Hong Kong workers might be redeployed if jobs crossed the border.
A PCCW-HKT spokeswoman said the company would take into account the labour situation before finalising relocation details. 'Wages are only part of our concern,' she said. 'We will also take into account the quality of work.'