
SAR's indie rock group Whence He Came record CD with help from Far East Records

Alan Lee

A local indie rock band has been busy working on its debut album Still Amid The Traffic.

The band Whence He Came were formed in 1999 by friends Joshua Wong Sun-kwok, 23, an Australian-born Chinese, and Ephraim Bano, a Filipino.

With help from Far East Records, a newcomer to the business, the band is now working on its CD.

The album will contain 10 original songs. The CD is scheduled to hit the stores on July 7.

Soon after the two formed the band, Joshua met Joel Deerwester, 18, who would later become their bass guitarist, and Suhail Stephen, also 18, who would become the drummer. Since then, the four of them have often appeared in live mini- shows at local schools and universities, and gradually gained popularity among local music lovers.

'Ephraim and I have been friends for many years. Also, I used to go to a youth centre called Saturday Night Alive, and there I met Suhail and Joel.

'We just clicked straight away and at that time we needed a bass guitarist and a drummer.

'We also go to the same church every week,' said Joshua, who is now the vocalist and lyric writer for the band.

The band has been on several overseas tours since it got together.

The tour to Sydney during the Olympics 2000 was the most memorable one.

Joel said: 'I remember we won a band competition back in August 2000. It was a competition to choose a band to represent the territory in the Sydney 2000 band show. We were lucky enough to have won.

'We and a number of other bands played around Sydney. It was a great experience.'

During one of the most prestigious local band competitions, the 'Yamaha Band Alert' last October, the group made it to the final, only to finish second.

However, the band started to catch on in local circles even though they did not win the trophy.

Co-founder of the Far East Records Tom Read said: 'They are actually a very fine group of musicians with a lot of talent.'

Far East was the first local production company to spot their potential and signed them.

'I and a friend started the company last year. We are both true rock fans. There was not much commercial support for bands in Hong Kong. We then started the company hoping to help nurture a truly local band culture. We have released CDs for two local bands so far and this will be our third one,' he said.
