It is difficult to believe there are people in the world who are so evil they are willing to perpetrate acts of terrorism such as the ones we witnessed last week in America.
I also find it difficult to fathom the response of some people to these attacks. I am referring to those students and journalists from some countries who applauded the deaths of so many innocent people. All the talk about Americans bringing this on themselves, about the evils of American foreign policy, does nothing to disguise the utter lack of humanity of those who applauded.
Those individuals from Afghanistan and Iraq who celebrated the attacks should ask themselves how they would feel if the situation was reversed and a plane flown by American terrorists crashed into the commercial centre of Kabul or Baghdad with the sole purpose of killing as many innocent civilians as possible.
No matter what the cause and no matter which side of the conflict is right or wrong, there can be no justification for such a heinous crime. All civilised human beings, of whatever persuasion or religion, condemn these attacks in the strongest terms and demand that something be done against the perpetrators.
Those who saw something to cheer about as thousands of innocent people were crushed by tons of concrete or were forced to leap to their deaths should look into their own hearts and question their own humanity.