P ROMINENT jeweller Daniel Zigal, who with wife Suzanne are part of the local social illuminati, will no doubt be hoping that Michael Jackson can find time to go sailing on his yacht when he comes into town next month.
For when the superstar was last in Hongkong six years ago, he was entertained on board the Zigals' pleasure cruiser.
And to reciprocate his hosts' hospitality, Jackson signed a message of thanks on the wooden interior of the boat much to Daniel and Suzanne's delight.
Someone, however, omitted to tell the Zigals' boatman exactly who Michael Jackson was.
Next morning the Zigals took some friends back to the boat to show-off the prized autograph only to find that the boatman, thinking it was a bit of unfounded graffiti, had scrubbed the precious Jackson scrawl clean away.
PROMINENT jeweller Daniel Zigal, who with wife Suzanne are part of the local social illuminati, will no doubt be hoping that Michael Jackson can find time to go sailing on his yacht when he comes into town next month.