TEACHER'S PETS - don't you just hate them? But worse, you might feel that your teacher always picks on you. Why are you the only person who gets told off when everybody else is also chatting in lessons? Or why does your teacher often criticise your appearance, clothes, schoolbag or even shoes?
'I believe a vast majority of our teachers are fair and impartial towards their students,' said Tse Chow-ming, vice-chairman of the Hok Yau Club.
'Even though some of them might have favourite students, it only means they may be willing to spend more time on these students instead of actually favouring them in a way that's unfair to others,' he added.
Mr Tse said students who accused their teachers of picking on them were mainly those with an attitude problem. These students have repeatedly broken rules and never reflect on their past misdeeds, which means their accusations against their teachers are often unjust and unfounded.
However, he believed that some teachers did bear a certain responsibility for misunderstandings because they might not have given adequate explanation when they punished students.
Therefore, teachers must explain clearly to students why they are being punished.