Eleven years ago when restrictions were imposed on Koreans who wanted to travel, Kristal Hyoungmi Ki, who is from Seoul, decided to become a flight attendant so she could travel extensively. She joined Cathay Pacific in 1989 then moved to Hong Kong. She lives with her husband and six cats in Clear Water Bay.
Where are you most likely to be at 10am on a Sunday? If I am not flying, I am dreaming at that time.
Where are you most likely to be at 10pm on a Friday? Either at the airport departure gate or 'moon-bathing' outside the porch of my house.
Where do you go to escape in Hong Kong? The trail in the Clear Water Bay Country Park.
What inspires you? I get inspiration from my guru, family, husband, friends, books, music and even from my cats. But most of all, my mum never fails to inspire me because of her devotion to life and her unconditional love for me.
What was your childhood dream? To be a kindergarten teacher. The kindergarten next to the one I attended had a huge playground. I often peeped through the window and thought, 'If I was one of the teachers there, I could always hang out in the playground.'