Dance duo Mandy Yim Ming-yin and Victor Ma Choi-wo, otherwise known as Y-Space, will be conducting a one-off performance this week featuring more than 80 stage artists and dancers aged between six and 70.
The production, New Dance Space 2001, is the much-anticipated 'finale' to a series of workshops the dance company has been running since June.
The classes were part of an artist-in-residence programme funded by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department.
'There will be a part [in the show] when all participants will be performing together,' Yim told Young Post. 'It will be quite a sight.'
Since it was founded six years ago, Y-Space has run regular classes for movement artists and dance enthusiasts of all ages.
The just-completed workshops included sessions with those as young as six - and their parents - as well as housewives and elderly people.