Chicken traders and farmers might have to contribute to a compensation fund under a plan being considered by the Government.
The move comes amid concern that taxpayers' money is being wasted to compensate farmers for losses when their stocks have to be destroyed.
Legislator Dr Lo Wing-lok, who represents the medical sector in the legislature, said yesterday some farmers had neglected hygiene standards because they thought they would be paid compensation if any livestock died.
Thomas Chan Chun-yuen, Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation, said the Government was discussing the compensation fund idea with farmers. It would be modelled on a similar scheme in the travel industry, with chicken farmers and traders having to contribute a small percentage of their turnover.
Needy farmers would be able to apply for funds to tide them over in the event of sales being temporarily suspended. They could also apply for money to upgrade hygiene standards on their farms.
Mr Chan said an initial consensus had been reached in the industry.