IMAGINE A BRIDGE spanning the 30km or so of water dividing Macau and Lantau. This would make Macau a one-and-a-half-to-two-hour drive away from Hong Kong Island, just a little more than it takes to drive from Central to the northern end of the New Territories.
A land link between these two SARs will cost money, and at present it is not clear that there is enough traffic to justify such an expensive project. It is not a new idea either, but it is one that is becoming increasingly attractive.
Consider the situation a couple of years down the road after Macau's new casino operators are up and running. The new-generation casinos are expected to be much more family friendly (to the extent that casinos can be family friendly) and are expected to attract a new clientele who want the thrill of gambling without the associated sleaze. Along with the casinos there are plans to build leisure facilities that should increase tourist numbers not merely from the mainland, but from the region as a whole.
By the time the new-style casinos establish themselves, the Disney theme park in Lantau should also have opened its gates. There is clearly scope for marketing Hong Kong and Macau as a joint tourist destination.
With a road link, and provided border crossing procedures are simplified, visitors to Disney World could drive across to Macau in half an hour for a quick flutter. Conversely, after a long evening at the gaming tables, punters might wish to sample Disney's more wholesome offerings.
The Macau Government is keen on building such a bridge, and sees the advantages of an easier link with Hong Kong. But Hong Kong officials tend to believe it is a good idea in principle while not seeing it as an urgent priority as far as tourism is concerned.