Eight outstanding students have been presented with the South China Morning Post Student of the Year Awards.
Another 11 runners-up and more than 50 finalists in the categories of visual arts, sports, computer science, dancing, linguistics, music, best improvement and the overall student of the year award also received tributes from teachers and parents at the Island Shangri-la Hotel yesterday.
Irving Koo Yee-yin, the chairman of the Quality Education Fund Steering Committee, said to call the winners the best products of the Hong Kong education system was to underplay their own efforts to excel. 'Although there is no way we can belittle the support from schools, teachers and parents, this is your achievement,' he said.
Also present were the Deputy Director of Education, Lee Hing-fai, Post editor Thomas Abraham and Winnie Ng, executive director of Kowloon Motor Bus, which sponsored scholarships worth $260,000.