Tonight's the night in Los Angeles - but here are some previous best film winners you might or might not want to revisit
Lawrence Of Arabia
Year: 1962
Starring: Peter O'Toole, Alec Guinness, Anthony Quinn, Omar Sharif
Director: David Lean
The film: It's debatable that there's ever been a performance that so instantly launched an actor to super-stardom than Peter O'Toole's in Lawrence Of Arabia. It's an extraordinary performance in an extraordinary production - and, try as he might, O'Toole was never able to match it again. And although director David Lean was consistently brilliant throughout his career, this is such a profound and visually spectacular film it's probably his most complete work - and that's from a man who also made, among others, The Bridge On The River Kwai (1957) and Doctor Zhivago (1965). The story traces the steps of the legendary TE Lawrence and his rise from lowly British army officer to champion of the Arab cause during World War I. Everything is done on such a grand scale - the acting from the stars, the huge array of extras, the sensational battle scenes - that you'll be swept away by it all. Seven Oscars were hardly enough.