ARGENTINA'S POLITICIANS can no longer enjoy a cappuccino in their favourite coffee shops without being booed off the premises by an outraged populace.
Indonesia's financial and political elite continue to swan about happily in Jaguars or Mercedes, lavishing money on mistresses and designer clothes.
And that is not the only difference between the two large countries lurching under massive piles of foreign and domestic debt.
A consensus of economists and analysts in Jakarta believe that Indonesia is in better shape than Argentina and does not face the same threat of default.
The confidence is part of the upbeat mood in Jakarta this week before the April 11-12 Paris Club meetings over Indonesia's debt.
Tellingly, in Indonesia's economy, it is the politics that counts. A Jakarta-based analyst said: 'The key similarity is that both countries' survival is dependent on donor and creditor forbearance.
'If the IMF [International Monetary Fund] and the World Bank said no, we'd default.'