SCMP, April 6, 2001: Students may be banned from using MP3 players for listening tests in examinations in case they use them to record and re-play key passages in the questions.
The Hong Kong Examinations Authority is considering the move after reports that candidates sitting this year's English Language listening test during the A-level examination used the device to re-play part of the test.
Students are required to bring their own receiver as the listening test is broadcast through a radio channel. The authority's guidelines only specify the permitted sizes of device, not the types or models.
MP3 players, used to download and re-play music from the Internet, cannot usually record material broadcast by radio. But a few models can do so with the use of an extra plug.
Examination Board chairman Tam Man-kwan has urged a review of the guidelines in the wake of the reports.
'I understand students have little chance of taking advantage by using a MP3 in this case,' he said. 'However, if it could lead to unfair practice, we should do something about it.'