A civil service union yesterday moved closer to court action against the Government over a possible pay cut by launching a fund-raising campaign.
The Civil Servants' General Union distributed pamphlets outside government buildings urging colleagues to donate $100 each to set up the fund to fight a pay cut. About 60 to 70 union members also staged a protest against any cut outside the Court of Final Appeal.
Union chairman Cheung Kwok-biu said $5,000 to $6,000 was raised yesterday towards the target of $1 million. The money would be donated to charities if a lawsuit was not launched.
'We need to consult lawyers to obtain legal advice on the pay cut,' he said. 'If it is legal, why did the Government say it was necessary to impose new legislation to provide a legal basis for it?'
Executive Council member Tam Yiu-chung said the Government would legislate if it decided to cut civil service pay.
'The Government will consult staff after the pay trend survey results come out,' he added.