I refer to the letter from Kwok Tak-ming headlined 'Give blood plea' (South China Morning Post, April 25).
Your correspondent felt more could be done to increase public awareness of the benefits to the community of donating blood.
The Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service (BTS) supplies all Hong Kong's blood requirements from its pool of loyal, local blood donors, most of whom donate on a regular basis. Between the ages of 16 and 65, men can donate four times a year and women three times a year. Over the past few years there has been no requirement for emergency appeals and we have not had to import supplies. All peaks in demand and emergencies have been covered.
Mr Kwok does, however, raise a highly important issue and one that the BTS is anxious to emphasise.
As 2002 marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the blood collection service in Hong Kong by the Red Cross, there will be a number of events, in particular, public lectures at community halls, which will be aimed at further improving the public's understanding and knowledge of blood donation and transfusion and of the BTS.