BARROW ''It is not fair for mainland officials to wash their hands of these Vietnamese officials. They have much more space in China than we do.'' - Legco security panel member Martin Barrow, hoping the mainland will take back the latest influx of Vietnamese-Chinese illegal immigrants. SPOKESMAN ''We hope that the British Hongkong Government also takes effective measures so that the issue can be handled properly.'' - Foreign Ministry spokesman in Beijing in a comment which angered senior officials in Hongkong.
YEUNG ''The public elects someone to be their representative in 1995 and, if the representative is forced out of the legislature in 1997, it will be a sign of disrespect to the public.'' - The UDHK's Yeung Sum, arguing against restrictions on the through train concept.
CHIM ''It'd be a joke if China was willing to let people who opposed it run Hongkong.'' - The opposite view, from independent legislator Chim Pui-chung.
FOLEY ''I hope the final departure will be an orderly and dignified calm exit. But that is such a long time off, much water can pass under many bridges.'' - Major-General John Foley, on the withdrawal of the British Garrison.
SOLDIER ''I miss the cold. The food here is awful. I mean, you go to a Chinese restaurant back home and it's really good. Here it's . . . yuk!'' - Black Watch member, happy to be going home.
LOCKEYEAR ''When they select an armourer they don't look for superstars but for people who are dependable and reliable.'' - Police spokesman Eric Lockeyear, describing the requirements for an armoury constable after one of their number went missing with a sub-machine gun, two pistols and almost 400 rounds of ammunition. He was later captured.