I have some suggestions for the Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works, Dr Sarah Liao.
Earlier this month I observed two youths go down Nathan Road, opposite the police station and brazenly stick posters on lamp-posts.
The strange thing was that these fliers had a telephone number in large print. Assuming they put up about 100 of these posters, had it taken action the government could have made $60,000, thanks to the new $600 spot fine for littering.
Regarding air pollution, if Dr Liao took a stroll around the side streets of Kowloon, she would see large numbers of public light buses, taxis, tourist buses and delivery trucks, parked with engines running. This practice should be outlawed.
Drivers are polluting the air breathed by millions solely for their own comfort.
A $5,000 fine can be imposed for smoking a cigarette in no-smoking areas.