The government admitted last week it knew little about the possibility of a Shanghai Disney park. Now, questions are being asked about whether it knew anything at all - and if not, why not.
In an official statement, the government said it 'had not received any information about the Walt Disney Company going to build a theme park in Shanghai'.
It would appear that Disney has kept Hong Kong in the dark about the Shanghai theme park.
The progress of the Shanghai venture appears at odds with comments the then financial secretary, now chief secretary, Donald Tsang Yam-kuen made after meeting Disney chairman and chief executive Michael Eisner last year.
At the time, Mr Tsang said: 'They [Disney] said they would let the one in Hong Kong be mature and up and running before thinking about another.'
Frontier legislator Lee Cheuk-yan said Mr Tsang should clarify whether the assurance that Walt Disney executives gave him was merely a verbal commitment or a contractual obligation. 'Even if what he received was only a verbal commitment, I believe that Walt Disney should bear a moral responsibility for it,' he said.