I refer to the letter by 'Name and Address Supplied' headlined 'Cycling ban on road should be lifted' (South China Morning Post, July 26).
Regarding cycling on roads surrounding the High Island Reservoir (Sai Kung Man Yee and Sai Kung Sai Wan roads), these are not standard public roads and are primarily used for waterworks operations and maintenance. With a substantial number of hikers and authorised vehicles sharing the same narrow and winding roads, officials do not consider them to be safe for cycling. The nearby Pak Tam, Hoi Ha, Tai Mong Tsai and Sai Sha public roads are open to cyclists.
This department supports cycling, but we must protect all country park users. We have been working closely with cycling associations to identify tracks in country parks which are suitable for cycling. A number of tracks are now under active consideration.
for Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation