I would like to elaborate on part of Harald Bruning's column headlined 'Net to keep sharks away from gaming tables' (South China Morning Post, August 9).
Macau's most recent official crime statistics only include the number of crimes (4,472 between January and June) reported to the police. They do not include those cases which, for whatever reason, were not reported. Also, the percentage of cases solved by the police is less than 40 per cent. In other words, almost two out of three cases remain unsolved, so people escape prosecution.
The police can do a better job by cutting down on the number of needless bureaucratic procedures and by increasing efficiency. If they do not, this 40 per cent figure will become the norm and come to be regarded as acceptable.
Officers should accept mistakes if they make them and listen to feedback, including views from people wanting to complain.
It would also help if Macau had a better-educated police force.