I have read with amusement about the attempts of the Hong Kong government to control the littering public by imposing $600 on-the-spot fines.
As we have all seen by recent reports about beach littering, this system is completely useless as it is.
I would like to propose a new three-phase scheme which would surely deter littering. Phase one remains the same, an on-the-spot fine, but increased to $1,000. Phase two would be to use the money to purchase a new refuse container to be placed on or near the spot of the crime. On this container would be a small plaque bearing the name of the offender with wording such as 'This bin was paid for by (offender's name) as a result of littering.' Phase three of this plan would be to make the offender work for one day cleaning the streets in the area where the offence took place.
Surely this would deter littering in view of the punishment and I am sure that it would also severely reduce the likelihood of a repeat offence.
Such a plan would demonstrate just how serious the government is about trying to make Hong Kong into a clean city, if indeed it is serious about a cleaner Hong Kong.