
To drink or not is the question

Sean Robson

'No thanks, no wine for me.' It's hard to believe and easy to deny, but there are times when wine should not be drunk. In fact there are at least eight occasions when it's best to decline that glass of wine.

1. When you need to drive. Depending on the country you are in, drink-driving laws can be tough. In Hong Kong the permitted blood alcohol level for drivers is .05 per cent or 50mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood. For most people, this will be achieved with just two glasses of wine consumed within a one-hour period. In drink-driving-related accidents in Hong Kong during 1999 and 2000, 18 people were killed and 327 seriously injured. During the same period, 1,151 drivers were convicted of drink-driving-related offences. Sobering statistics.

2. When you suffer from allergies. Fortunately, the serious headaches caused by sulphite allergies are only a problem for some wine drinkers. Sulphur dioxide is used in so many steps of the winemaking process, which, if overdone can prove a major obstacle to the enjoyment of wine. Some wines are labelled 'sulphur-free' but without its preservative effects, such wine is likely to deteriorate within six to 12 months of bottling. Of course, blinding headaches are more likely to be caused by overindulgence. White wine tends to have a higher sulphite content than red so experiment a little with colour and quantity before apportioning blame to a possibly non-existent allergy.

3. When you are trying to lose weight. Although a glass of champagne or a dry white or red only contains about 110 calories, the sweeter and more alcoholic the wine, the more calories it has. However, if you drink a glass of champagne before dinner and have another two glasses of wine with your meal, you have already clocked up 360 calories in the meal before even setting eyes on the main of pasta with cream sauce.

4. When you are travelling economy. If there's one time when it's easy to cut down on calories and alcohol, it's when you board a plane and turn right. Plastic glasses, average wines. No thanks, I'll wait until I get to my destination. Then I'll order something decent and enjoy it from a tall stemmed (preferably Riedel) glass.

5. When you've already exceeded your recommended weekly maximum units of alcohol. It seems all medical experts now believe one glass of wine a day will help prevent nearly every form of human ailment, but too much and every one of those ailments becomes decidedly more likely to occur. Too much is defined as any more than 14 units of alcohol a week for a woman and 21 for a man. I used to think one unit equalled one glass and there are six glasses (six units) in a bottle. Fine if you're drinking an eight per cent alcohol vinho verde but a bottle of 14 per cent alcohol New World shiraz will easily contain nine units. Mathematics aside, it would appear prudent to have a few days a week without wine.

6. When you want to outmanoeuvre a wine bore. When circumstances force you to sit at a dinner table with a wine bore who appears intent on destroying every ounce of enthusiasm you have for wine, that's the time to say 'No thanks, no wine for me'. Take the wind from his or her sails.

7. When you dine at the Chilli Club. Forget about all the foodies who wax lyrical about the great potential of a particular wine with Thai red curry. After a few mouthfuls of this spicy delight, your palate will only be capable of differentiating between hot tea and cold beer.

8. When you can't afford anything decent. Of course this is all about budgeting and prioritising. If any wine lover feels this applies, it's time to re-evaluate the family finances. Trade down on your apartment, take a loan out for the tax, stop the kid's tennis lessons and take stock of exactly where your priorities lie.
