I am astounded and dismayed by the court's ruling. I will appeal the decision to the highest level necessary.
George Soros (above), the manager of the world's largest hedge fund, after being convicted by a French court and ordered to pay a fine of 2.2 million euros (about HK$17.6 million) for insider trading.
The soul of Rolls-Royce is British. It is and always has been a symbol of our freedom.
Michael Shrimpton, non-executive chairman of Crewe Motors, reacting to news that German-based BMW will unveil the first German-built Rolls-Royce on January 1, after one of the most secretive new-car projects ever.
First they ban God and now they ban Santa.
Bill Shorten, the secretary of the Australian Workers' Union, after 750 of the nation's steel workers went on strike to protest against the end of a Christmas hamper giving tradition.
They could not adjust to the hectic and competitive environment in their new workplace.